英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 “互联网+”年代的学英语 “我的银行卡被盗刷了”用英语怎么说

“互联网+”年代的学英语 “我的银行卡被盗刷了”用英语怎么说



“互联网+”年代,着道咱们可以做到Yahoo is everything,也就是可以经过Yahoo“探究发现求证”咱们“想晓得的英语(用英语怎么说)”,所以,把学过的英语已知的英语用起来的英语“学习力”比单纯序得充的只会用查汉英词典式的英语学习(“教师”直接告诉答案,你再去用死记硬背)重要的多。“互联网+”年代学习英语是“英语学习力”和英语常识?嵊钡哪甏j傥裟侵址腔チ甏坝⒂镉弥形摹懊伞币桓鍪且桓觯霸住币坏妒且坏叮挥弥芯肿芪难е挥弥形摹岸保换岵橥缬⒂⒆值涞哪甏缂宏傥袅恕?

一、把学过的英语用起来:Yahoo 1:

1) my credit card was stolen and money was withdrawn


2) 咱们进入全英文的“言语环境”截取如下:

1. My card has been lost or stolen and used to purchase goods

You do have rights to get your money back if you have been affected by card fraud, as long as you act promptly when you discover your card has gone.

If you don’t realise for a number of days that your card has been lost or stolen, you should still be able to get your money back.

“互联网+”年代的学英语 “我的银行卡被盗刷了”用英语怎么说插图

Although, you could be liable for the first 50 of any sum spent on your credit card before you reported it stolen.

2.My Credit Card Is Lost or Stolen – What Do I Do Now?

If your credit card is used without your permission, your liability for fraudulent charges is limited by law. Plus, the major credit card networks all have $0 fraud liability policies, meaning that you won’t have to pay for unauthorized charges as long as you report the problem right away.


1.My card has been lost or stolen and used to purchase goods

2. if you have been affected by card fraud,for the first 50 of any sum spent on your credit card

3.If your credit card is used without your permission,

4) 千万不要“英译汉”,要“英译英”式学习,练口语:

1.Okay.I got you.I can say My card was stolen or lost.Someone/A thief/A criminal spent money on it.

2.Okay.I got you.I can say My card was stolen or lost.Someone/A thief/A criminal used it to buy/purchase goods.

3.Okay.I got you.I can say My card was stolen and is used without my permission.

4.Okay.I got you.I can say My card was stolen and there was a card fraud(这个词可以难记难用些) on it.

二、把学过的英语用起来:Yahoo 2:

已然咱们现已可以“求证”,可以用someone spent money on it,如今咱们可以更进一步精确用词:Yahoo my credit card was stolen and thief/criminal spent money on it


1) 咱们进入全英文的“言语环境”截取如下:

1.Steps to Take if You Are a Victim of Credit Card Fraud

口语:Okay.I got you.I can say I’m a victim of credit card fraud

2.How to undo unauthorized credit card charges by a family member

口语:Okay.I got you.I can say My card was lost and there were unauthorized (credit card) charges on it

2) 接下来要做的就是自个强化这种用英语记英语的才能,不要依靠“用”中文“才干记才干懂”。



作者: admin




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