英语学霸网 成人英语 新东方托福写作语料库 现代人比曩昔愈加简略承受教育

新东方托福写作语料库 现代人比曩昔愈加简略承受教育



 People are now easier to become educated than in the past. Do you agree ordisagree 现代人比曩昔愈加简略承受教育,是不是认同? (2010年10月30日)





1. 网络教育的呈现和盛行,使我们承受教育的选择愈加多样化,网络教育习气了特别的学习集体,例如患病的学生,残疾的学习者,繁忙的公司职工。


3. 比照曩昔,许多父母愈加剧视孩子的教育,他们认为教育是一种出资,可以改动孩子的人生命运。例如,许多工薪阶层的家庭,父母可以没有承受大学,必定要供孩子们读完大学。

4. 如今,除了标准的中小学和大学,还有许多晚年大学,私立大学,培训学校的呈现,这样,任何年纪期间的人都有机缘承受合适自个的教育。例如,我母亲退休后去晚年大学学习书法以及绘画,这在几十年前是很难完成的。


1. Education is one of the key words of our time,a man withouteducation,man of us believe,is the victim ofadversity.教育是咱们年代的要害词之一,一人没有受过教育的人,咱们许多人认为,是窘境的牺牲者。


2. Education has a key role to play in one’s personal growth and a nation’sfurther development. 教育在自个生长和国家的打开中发扬了重要的重要。

解析:has a key role to play in…… 在……方面可以发扬重要的重要

3. People differ greatly in their views over whether people are easier toget educated than before. 关所以不是我们比曩昔愈加简略承受教育,我们的观念差异很大。

4. It seems easier for people to get well-educated in the present daysociety. 当今社会,如同我们愈加简略承受杰出的教育。

解析:get well-educated = receive fine education v 承受杰出的教育

5. The Internet greatly diversifies people’s option of receiving education.互联网使得我们承受教育的选择愈加多样化。

解析:diversify = enrich v 使多样化

6. With the popularity of on-line education, people could acquire andupdate knowledge via drawing on rich on-line educatioal resource.因为网络教育的盛行,我们可以经过使用丰厚的在线教育本钱,学习常识,不断充电。

解析:update knowledge v充电(学习)

7. Distance education is highly convenient, because learners can be free totake any suitable course through an on-line course selection system.远程教育高度便当,因为学习者可以经过在线的选课体系,安适选择合适自个的课程。


8. It can effectively surmount geographical barrier and enhance theflexibility of lear
新东方托福写作语料库 现代人比曩昔愈加简略承受教育插图
ning,therefore,many learners in remote areas have access tofine teaching resources网络教育有用地战胜了地域的妨碍,前进了学习的活络性,因而,许多偏僻区域的学习者也有机缘获得杰出的教育本钱。

9. In this sense, distance learning provide people with more opportunitiesto receive fine education, some special learning group, such as disabledlearners, ill students or busy employees, could serve as perfect examples.因而,远程学习给我们供给了更多的机缘去承受杰出的教育,一些特别的学习集体,例如残疾学习者,患病的学生,繁忙的公司职工都是极好承受网络教育的例子。

解析:serve as perfect examples 是极好的例子

10. In addition to the availability of various cyber educational resources,the state support in education is another stimulating factor that facilitatevarious education 除了各种在线网络教育本钱,国家在教育方面的撑持是另外一个要素,关于各种教育供给便当。

解析:facilitate v 使简略;有助于……

11. Education is the driving force of productivity, in this sense, thegovernment of many developed and developing country attach great importance tothe instruction. 教育是出产力的驱动力,因而,许多兴隆国家和打开我国家的政府高度注重教育。

解析:attach great importance to = lay more stress on = give priority to v愈加剧视……

12. Thanks to the support from the government such as popularizing freeelementary education or promoting the salary of teachers, more and more peoplehave access to fine education, especially for those who coming frompoverty-stricken families or remote rural areas因为政府撑持,例如广泛免费的基础教育或许是前进教育者的薪水,许多人有机缘承受杰出的教育,特别是关于那些来自贫穷的家庭或许是悠远的村庄区域。

解析:thanks to 幸而了

13. Past several decades witnessed obvious multiplication of family income,which enables those who cannot afford high tuition fees of university to receivehigher education. 曩昔许多年,我们的家庭收入添加,这使得许多不能付出大学教育的人有机缘承受高级教育。

14. Meanwhile, more and more people begin to recognize the significance ofeducation and the pleasure of life-long learning, that is why so many trainingorganizations spring up overnight.一起,许多人知道到教育的意义和终身学习的快乐喜爱,这就是为何许多的培训机构一夜之间呈现出来。

15. Even those retired old men now have more opportunities to develop theirpersonal interest by means of selecting their favorite training courses.即便,退休的老人如今又更多的机缘经过选择自个喜爱的培训课程打开自个的自个快乐喜爱。

16. It is indeed easier for modern people to receive good education becau查找引擎优化f the availability of diverse mode of education, the assistance from thegovernment and the increase of family income如今人承受杰出的教育的确是愈加简略,因为我们可以使用各种教育的方法,因为政府撑持教育,因为家庭收入的添加。

解析:indeed adv 的确


新东方网专栏作家:薛鹏(@雅思小鹏哥),高中年代出书诗文集《选择刚烈》, 每年创造20万字托福雅思自创语料库以及范文。吉林大学外国言语学及使用言语学硕士。17年英语教育经历 (7年新东方雅思托福SAT教育阅历),前长春新东方功勋教师,多次培训出雅思和托福高分学员(雅思写作7.5分,托福写作29分)。




教育理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.(教育不是注满一?堑阕乓话鸦?


作者: admin




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