英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 新东方托福写作语料库 自个衣装是不是可以反映其特性

新东方托福写作语料库 自个衣装是不是可以反映其特性



Do you agree or disagree with the way a person dressed is a good indicationof his/her personality or character? 一自个衣装可以反映其特性,是不是认同?(2013年6月15日)




不能简略认为一自个的服装可以完全反映其特性。第一形象有时是有误导性的, 经过长时刻的调查去判别一自个才是值得举荐的。


① 热情性格的人喜爱穿时髦秀丽的服装,可是,恬静性格的人喜爱穿朴素淡色的服装。我们一般认为衣装规整者是值得尊敬和文质彬彬的。




首段:布景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家情绪


三段:初度争辩反驳原题观念 + 细节打开

四段:第次争辩反驳原题观念 + 细节打开

尾段:再次亮明观念 + (总结理由)


【首段】争议焦点+ 争议焦点 + 作家情绪

Fine feather makes fine birds,which means that a well-dressed people neverfails to leave the fondest impression on people around him or her. Some peopleassert that a person’s personality can be indicated by how he or she dresses.Perhaps no issue has led to such an endless debate as to whether or not aperson’s character could be perfectly reflected by his or her appearance. As Isee it, even though what one wears can convey some information about his or hercharacter, a man must not be judged by his appearance.


1. Fine feather makes fine birds. 人靠衣装,美靠靓装。

2. Perhaps no issue has led to such an endless debate as to whether or not…… 或许没有啥像 …… 相同致使我们无休止的争议

3. As I see it, even though what one wears can convey some informationabout his or her character, a man must not be judged by his appearance.我认为,即便人的衣装可以传递一些关于其特性的信息,可是,人不可以以貌相。


Indeed, I have to concede that a neat appearance is an embodiment of aperson’s qualities and personalities. For example, a passionate person tends towear trendy and bright-colored clothes. Conversely, a quiet person likes to wearsimple and light-colored clothes. Another positive aspect is that a well-dressedperson is, in most cases, a respectable and well-mannered person,then,it willmake people around him feel at ease, therefore, he is,in most people’s eyes,easyto associate and communicate with.


1. Indeed, I have to concede that …… 的确,我不能不招认的是……

2. A passionate person tends to wear trendy and bright-colored clothes热情性格的人喜爱穿时髦秀丽的服装。

3. A quiet person likes to wear simple and light-colored clothes.恬静性格的人喜爱穿朴素淡色的服装。

4. A well-dressed person is, in most cases, a respectable and well-manneredperson 我们一般认为衣装规整者是值得尊敬和文质彬彬的。

5. is easy to associate and communicate with v 很简略和其交流和交游


Notwithstanding all that, we have to remember the old saying that we cannever judge a book by its cover, so does the person. Some people have to dressthe uniform when they embark on work, in this case, it seems that they look likeconservative individuals, whereas they have distinct personalities, some areextraverted while others are introverted. Moreover, a person who is impoverishedmay fail to afford up-market clothes with his limited money, but it doesn’t meanthat he is not a benevolent person. More precisely, he may be more humane andtender-hearted than a gentleman who looks graceful.


1. We can never judge a book by its cover. 人不可以以貌相

2. Whereas they have distinct personalities. 可是,他们具有截然不一样的特性。

3. up-market clothes n高档的服装

4. A person who is impoverished may fail to afford up-market clothes withhis limited money, but it doesn’t mean that he is not a benevolent person.贫穷者可以花费不起高档服饰,可是,这不会影响他是一个仁慈的人。

5. He may be more humane and
新东方托福写作语料库 自个衣装是不是可以反映其特性插图
tender-hearted than a gentleman who looksgraceful. 他或许比看起来典雅的绅士愈加仁爱和蔼良。


Another convincing argument could also be easily explored. Most superstarsseem to be very passionate and enthusiastic when they are presenting aperformance in public, virtually, they are not all that kind of people. Some ofthem actually are quiet people who love to be in a silent atmosphere and live asimple life. So, appearance of a person cannot always indicate his or herpersonality.


1. Most superstars seem to be very passionate and enthusiastic.大有些的影星看起来都是热情四射和热心弥漫的。

2. The appearance of a person cannot always indicate his or herpersonality. 自个的表面并非总能反映其性格。


In the final analysis, my stand is that a person’s personality cannot bemerely judged by his or her outlooks. The initial impression sometimes might bemisleading, it is highly recommended to judge a person after long period ofobservation.


1. The initial impression sometimes might be misleading. 第一形象有时分是有误导性的。

2. It is highly recommended to judge a person after long period ofobservation. 经过长时刻的调查去判别一自个才是值得举荐的。


新东方网专栏作家:薛鹏(@雅思小鹏哥),长春市作家协会会员,高中年代出书诗文集《选择刚烈》, 每年创造20万字托福雅思自创语料库以及范文。吉林大学外国言语学及使用言语学硕士。17年英语教育经历 (7年新东方雅思托福SAT教育阅历),前长春新东方功勋教师,多次培训出雅思和托福高分学员(雅思写作8分,托福写作29分)。




教育理念:Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.(教育不是注满一?堑阕乓话鸦?


作者: admin




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