英语学霸网 优选频道 如何答复托福归纳口语Task5 7招帮你处置难题

如何答复托福归纳口语Task5 7招帮你处置难题

在托福口语攼或,归纳口语有 4 道题,也占有了整个托福口语的大有些,一起也是这有些的标题让考生最为头疼。这儿修改为我们收拾托福归纳口语 Task5 的处置办法,期望对我们有协助,快来一同学习一下吧。


关于托福口语题的第 5 道题型 Task5,许多考生在初度触摸这道题型的情况下纷繁标明信息量过大,很难在规则的时刻内获取并提炼有用的 ” 考点信息 “,而且在答题时感触各种信息交错在一同、千丝万缕,无法在 60 秒的答题时刻内收拾出真实有用的要害信息。

因而,咱们非常有必要对 Task5 进行分析,并发掘出具有抉择性要素的 ” 考点信息 “。

Task5 题型分析

首要,来看一下 Task5 的题型。

如上图所示:标题中的给出材料为 ” 一段对话 “,一般是两名同学就学校表里所遇到的各种不一样的窘境所进行的有关谈论。

谈论中,其间一名遇到窘境的同学会首要表述自个的疑问,接着在与另一位说话者的谈论中两人会找出 2 种处置方案,但每种方案都有不完满的当地,因而各有其优势和下风。

而考生同学就是要捉住这些考点,才干为答复疑问做好预备,而简答的算一下,刚好有 7 个考点:

( 1 ) 遇到的疑问 ;

( 2 ) 处置方案— 1;

( 3 ) 方案 1 的优势 ;

( 4 ) 方案 1 的下风 ;

( 5 ) 处置方案— 2;

( 6 ) 方案 2 的优势 ;

( 7 ) 方案 2 的下风。

而 Task5 的标题需求是:首要表述一下其间一人所遇到的窘境是啥 ? 其次,标明在材料所给出的两个处置方案中考生自个倾向于选哪一个,并标明自个选择的缘由是啥。

在分析完题型后,咱们大约来研讨一下怎样使用这些信息来进行高效的答题。究竟每个考生只需 60 秒的答复时刻,假定不加选择的将一切信息悉数奉上,一般情况下是无法结束作答的。



Step1: 先叙说说话者遇到的疑问 ;

Step2: 接着非常简练地罗列一下两个处置方案 ;

Step3: 做出选择,标明自个倾向的方案 ;

Step4: 用对角线原则陈述选择的缘由。 ( 即:罗列自个的优势,以及另一方案的下风。 )




例:TPO32 — Task5

Listen to a conversation between two students.

man:I don ’ t know about you, but, I ’ m really looking forward to summer break.

woman: I can ’ t even think that far ahead. I ’ ve got so much to do before the end of the semester. I ’ ve been feeling pretty stressed out lately.

man:Why? What ’ s going on?

woman:Well, I just have so many assignments. I ’ ve got three major research papers to do and they all due, basically, at the same time, in two weeks.

man: Wow! Three? That is a lot. And research papers take a lot of time.

woman: Right, and between my job and classes, there just aren ’ t enough hours in the day to get them all done.

man: Well, is there anything you could cut from your schedule, I mean, you ’ re working part-time in an office in town, aren ’ t you? Why don ’ t you just reduce your hours there for a while, at least till you get the papers done.

woman: Well, I guess I could tell my boss I need to cut back on my hours for a couple of weeks, uh, but I don ’ t know, I haven ’ t been working there very long. I don ’ t want to make a bad impression by asking for time off already?

man:What else could you do?

woman: Well, another option is I could get an extension on one of the papers. I asked one of my professors about it, my History professor, and she said it would be OK if I handed the paper in a week late. So, I guess I could just concentrate on getting the other two papers done first.

man: Oh, that ’ s great.

woman:Yeah, only she said she ’ d have to take a few points off the grade for the paper since it would be late, you know, to be fair to the other students.

man: Oh, that ’ s a drag. So what are you gonna do?

woman:Uh, I don ’ t know yet.

在听的进程中,依照 ” 七点法 ” 进行考点分析:

( 为了仿照考试状况,此处咱们只写要害词 )

( 1 ) Problem:

three major research papers / all due at the same time, in 2 weeks/——- part-time job/ no enough time for the three papers

( 2 ) Solution1:

Tell the boss/ cut back on her hours for a couple of weeks

优势:this is only a part-time job / could ask the boss

下风:she ’ s not been working very long. / make a bad impression

( 3 ) Solution2:

Get an extension on one of the papers.

优势:she asked professor / she said it would be ok/ she could concentrate on the other two papers first.

下风:the professor would have to take a few points off the grade for the paper.



如今,让咱们来看一个版另外参阅答案: ( 选 solution1 )

Sample answer:

The woman in the conversation has got a problem, which is, she has three major research papers that all due at the same time in two weeks.

Meanwhile, she has a part-time job in an office in town. So there is not enough time in the day for her to get all three papers done.

Here are two solutions.

The first one is to tell the boss to cut back on her hours for a couple of weeks.

The second one is to get an extension on one of the papers.

I prefer the first one.

Since this is only a part-time job, and she thinks that the boss would understand her situation and allow her to cut some hours. And then she would have enough time in the 2 weeks to concentrate on getting all the three papers done.

As for the second solution, although the professor has said yes, it is still not good because to be fair to the other students, a few points would be taken off the grade for the paper as it would be late. That ’ s not what she wants.

Based on the reasons above, I prefer the first solution.

以上就是修改为我们收拾了托福归纳口语 Task5 的处置办法,我们有没学会呢 ? 期望这些对我们处置托福归纳口语难题有协助。最终,修改预祝我们托福考试能获得抱负的成果。


——满满 TOEFL 备考材料,一扫而光!

如何答复托福归纳口语Task5 7招帮你处置难题插图


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